ANNOUNCEMENT: Bethel will only hold a 10:30 AM worship service at Bethel Fergus Falls today. All Sunday School, confirmation, ministry activities and other worship services are CANCELLED at BOTH CAMPUSES.

Everyday Idols: Introduction

Jul 18, 2021    Pastor Dave Foss

Discussion Questions:

1. Think fast! When I say “Idolatry”, what comes to mind?

2. In the message it was noted that we never break commandments 2-10 without breaking the 1st. How do you respond to that statement?

3. In Colossians 3:1-5 Paul calls us to set our hearts and minds on things above. Do you have any habits or practices that help you do that in everyday life?

4. Share your reaction to Tim Keller’s statement, “Like Abraham, you could take a walk up into the mountains. You could say, ‘I see that you may be calling me to live my life without something I never thought I could live without. But if I have you, I have the only wealth, health, love, honor and security I really need and cannot lose.”