Make Room Update (Core Sampling) - Dec. 8
Daryl Synstelien, Chairman of the Congregation, shares about the core sampling that was happening this past week.
Core sampling is a part of the pre-construction work. Samples of the soil/earth are taken to see what kind of foundation we're dealing with and helps us expose what's hidden underground. It helps us answer questions like, "Will our current building plans for our new sanctuary work given the foundation we have?" Or, "Do we need to make changes and adjustments to our plans based on the type of foundation we have?"
Core sampling is a part of the pre-construction work. Samples of the soil/earth are taken to see what kind of foundation we're dealing with and helps us expose what's hidden underground. It helps us answer questions like, "Will our current building plans for our new sanctuary work given the foundation we have?" Or, "Do we need to make changes and adjustments to our plans based on the type of foundation we have?"