ANNOUNCEMENT: Bethel will only hold a 10:30 AM worship service at Bethel Fergus Falls today. All Sunday School, confirmation, ministry activities and other worship services are CANCELLED at BOTH CAMPUSES.


"And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?"

Romans 10:14

Bethel is serious about world missions. Many people groups have never heard about Jesus, and some may never get a chance if a missionary is not sent into their community to share God’s Word with them. Bethel is involved in two world mission initiatives. One through the Church of the Lutheran Brethren in Chad and the other through Youth with a Mission in Ensenada, Mexico.

Chad, Africa

Bethel has partnered with Lutheran Brethren International Mission (LBIM) to adopt a people group in Chad, Africa.

The Background

In January 2009, Bethel adopted a people group in Chad, Africa. The people group has been Muslim for the past 500 years. They are an "unreached people," meaning they have no church among them through which the Gospel can be shared in the context of their own culture and language. The only way they will hear about Jesus is if someone enters their world and shares it with them.
Bethel’s goal is to see a church planted among this people group.

Latest News: Local School

Our missionaries decided, along with their Chadian missionary partners, that a school would benefit the community, as well as create new opportunities for ministry. A Chadian teacher has moved to the village with his family to serve as the director and primary teacher. The school opened in the fall of 2018 with a waiting list!
See the video below for an update on the construction of six classrooms.

Stay Updated

Meet the team

Nathanael & Carrie S.

U.S. Missionaries
Nathanael and Carrie were missionaries in 2012. Pray for God’s protective hedge to surround Nathanael, Carrie, and their children (Selma, Cyril, Adelynn & Talitha) as they minister to the Bagirmi.
(Last name removed in online communication)

A. & T.

Chadian Missionaries
A & T were called by the Chadian Lutheran Brethren Church to serve as missionaries in the same village as Nathanael & Carrie. A & T moved to the village in April 2018, along with their seven children.
(Names removed in online communication for the safety of the missionary)


Director of the Bagirmi School
T, a very experienced school teacher, will serve as the director and primary teacher of the local private school. The family moved to the village in October 2018. T and his wife have three sons.
(Name removed in online communication for the safety of the missionary)
Inside the Bagirmi School classrooms!

Ensenada, MExico

For the last thirteen years, Bethel has been sending teams to build homes for those in need through Homes of Hope by Youth With A Mission (YWAM). Bethel and several local Ensenada churches have developed a meaningful partnership. This partnership is a two-way relationship, positively influencing both sides.

Fall 2024 trip:  September 30 - October 7

The next Mexico Mission Trip has been scheduled for this fall. This year’s trip focuses on joining the ministry of Agua Viva. Work alongside the local churches serving local migrant farmer families, developing relationships and sharing faith in Christ. Click below to get connected and receive more informatiuon.

Homes of Hope

For the last ten years, Bethel has been sending teams to build a homes for those in need with the Homes of Hope program through Youth With A Mission (YWAM). As Bethel continued to take mission trips to Ensenada, relationships with local ministries developed. Bethel realized that while we are only there for a week, the local churches stay and continue the long-term ministry. How can Bethel support and encourage them in their ministry?

Local Churches

Bethel and several local Ensenada churches have developed a meaningful partnership. The plan is to continue building these relationships alongside future Homes of Hope house builds, while looking for opportunities to partner with these churches in ministry, to witness God at work, and to learn from them. This partnership is a two-way relationship, positively influencing both sides.

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Interested in the next mission trip?

NEXT TRIP: September 30 - Oct 7

Fill out this form if you're interested in the next Homes of Hope Mission Trip to Ensenada, Mexico.

Meet some of the pastors.

Pastor Ricardo & Pastor Antonia
Pastor Lazaro
Pastor Gabriel