A Prayer on Inauguration Day

1 Timothy 2:1-2 - "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people -- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."
So Lord, we do as you invite us. We pray. With thanksgiving, joy and confidence in you! We give you thanks for national leadership. For leaders we voted for; and for those we didn't. Today we give you thanks for President Biden and Vice-President Harris. May they lead our nation toward peace and quiet. May they know of your love for them; may their hearts be turned toward and shaped by you. And do the same for us, Lord! Forgive us our sins. Turn our eyes to you, Jesus. And revive us again, O Lord we pray!
- Pastor Dave Foss
So Lord, we do as you invite us. We pray. With thanksgiving, joy and confidence in you! We give you thanks for national leadership. For leaders we voted for; and for those we didn't. Today we give you thanks for President Biden and Vice-President Harris. May they lead our nation toward peace and quiet. May they know of your love for them; may their hearts be turned toward and shaped by you. And do the same for us, Lord! Forgive us our sins. Turn our eyes to you, Jesus. And revive us again, O Lord we pray!
- Pastor Dave Foss