ANNOUNCEMENT: Bethel will only hold a 10:30 AM worship service at Bethel Fergus Falls today. All Sunday School, confirmation, ministry activities and other worship services are CANCELLED at BOTH CAMPUSES.

Battle Lake Building Project (June Update)

So, we’ve been hearing a lot about construction in Fergus Falls, the finished classrooms in Boudamasa, Chad, but what’s going on in Battle Lake?

As you may remember, last fall, Bethel voted to sign a build-to-suite lease agreement with a developer.

So, what’s been going on since then? Well, the Battle Lake property committee has been working hard with the developer and builder on the design for the building. They are getting down to the last tiny details, like how many electrical outlets are in each room and where they’re located…. and we expect to have a final design soon. This means, the contractor can start moving forward with construction soon.

As the details come together, we hope to set a day for groundbreaking in the near future!
This is really exciting!
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