Business Meeting Invitation - Sanctuary Renovation
Bethel Family, the past 3 months of COVID-19 response have imposed unprecedented demands and adaptations upon us as a church, as families, and as individuals.
As we have joyously moved back to in-person worship services, we have identified a critical and immediate challenge to address. The COVID-19 guidelines on social distancing in worship services has led to a pressing issue for Bethel.
The rigidity of the current pew seating in the sanctuary allows for zero flexibility to adapt for distance between rows or grouping of seats for individuals or families. The impact and restriction of roping off more than half of the pews is evidence of the obvious. We are already overflowing into the foyer for worship services. The seating challenges in September will become exponentially more difficult.
A solution being proposed is to expedite the Renovation of our Sanctuary to a place of first priority, completing the work over the next two months, in time for the fall ministry schedule This work would be paid for in cash. It would include:
> Removing the existing pews,
> Building a new level floor,
> Raising the doors in the front of the sanctuary,
> Building a new platform and choir stage,
> Installing new flooring, and
> Purchasing 400 cushioned chairs
Congregational approval is required for moving forward with this proposal. To consider this proposal, I’ve scheduled a Congregational Business meeting for this next Tuesday evening, June 23rd, 6:00pm, to be held in-person at Bethel and on Zoom. Thank you for prioritizing this important congregational decision in your busy schedule. Your engagement as a member of the body of Christ, and as a member of Bethel Church is essential.