ANNOUNCEMENT: Bethel will only hold a 10:30 AM worship service at Bethel Fergus Falls today. All Sunday School, confirmation, ministry activities and other worship services are CANCELLED at BOTH CAMPUSES.

Day Three

Jul 29, 2019    Day Camp, Bethel Kids,

**Theme: New Release**

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world, that we might live through Him.”
1 John 4:9

By God’s grace, we will show campers and guests our desperate need for a Savior. We will teach that God released His one and only Son to change everything (John 3:16, 2 Corinthians 5:21). Through the cross, sinners are forgiven and offered a promise of life everlasting through the resurrection for all who trust Him. Our hope now rests in Jesus’ victory rather than attending to the lies of this world. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ provides a new song for our lives. We will sing, speak, and live the Gospel message, encouraging campers toward a relationship with Christ that sings with thankfulness to God for the gift of a Savior (Colossians 3:16). Our question of the day will be “WHO are you listening to?”