ANNOUNCEMENT: Bethel will only hold a 10:30 AM worship service at Bethel Fergus Falls today. All Sunday School, confirmation, ministry activities and other worship services are CANCELLED at BOTH CAMPUSES.

Support Towards Sexual Purity

God created our sexuality. It’s a gift from God. Whether married or single, we can honor our Creator and care for the body, mind and spirit he’s given us as we live out our sexuality in marriage or in celibacy.

Like never before, the reality of pornography and other sexual addictions have infiltrated our culture, leaving men and women paralyzed by shame, marriages destroyed and families torn apart. Bethel is organizing groups for both men and women to walk with each other as we look to Scripture, and ultimately to Jesus, to overcome sexual addiction.

Please note that confidentiality is important for these groups.
The identity of the participants will not be shared with anyone outside the group.

For Men

The men will work through the Conquer Series, led by Butch Wentland.
This study, implemented through weekly group meetings and daily self-care strategies, delivers a practical and applicable approach to lifelong healing.
  • STARTS: August 26 (Thurs), 7:00 PM (10-week study)
  • LOCATION: Bethel Fergus Falls

For Women

Our culture tends to communicate that men are the only ones who struggle with sexual addictions. The reality is that this is also a women’s issue, and there are many women who are living in shame, believing they are alone in this struggle. You are not alone. Erika Beehler, who works for Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), has walked with dozens of women on their journeys toward sexual wholeness, and would be honored to come alongside you too. She is excited to lead a group for women in our community.
  • TIME: To be determined / As the group forms, a time will be scheduled.