ANNOUNCEMENT: Bethel will only hold a 10:30 AM worship service at Bethel Fergus Falls today. All Sunday School, confirmation, ministry activities and other worship services are CANCELLED at BOTH CAMPUSES.

Bethel is seeking a

Director of Worship & Communications


from Pastor Dave

God is up to something great!

 We’ve been saying that around here for years.  It’s been such a privilege to have a front row seat on all God’s up to. Seriously! I’m not sure we could have predicted any of it.

As Bethel has held out the Gospel, people have been drawn to it. We do our best to present the Gospel winsomely, with passion and a sense of urgency, and join Jesus in what he’s up to all around us. And as we’ve done that, God has used our church to have an impact in Fergus Falls, Battle Lake, and the surrounding communities.

We’ve endeavored to MAKE ROOM in our lives, ministries and facilities for greater growth and impact locally, regionally and internationally. We now need to MAKE ROOM on our staff for others to join us in the mission here!

Would you prayerfully consider the possibility that God might be calling you to join us?

We seek to call a Directior of Worship & Communication to our team. This is a full time position. (If your interest and abilities correspond to part of this position, we would consider splitting the role and creating two part time opportunities.) The position description provided here is meant to give you an idea of what we see a Director of Worship and Communication actually doing.  That’s it.

Ultimately, we want to get to know you! Because in the end, I believe that the RIGHT PERSON is a higher priority than the RIGHT POSITION DESCRIPTION.  It’s RELATIONSHIPS over ROLES…PEOPLE over POSITIONS. Always!  

I understand that the consideration of a call to an opportunity at another church can be disruptive. But it can also be a pathway of blessed clarity. Through this process the Lord may lead you to greater commitment to where you serve now, or perhaps He’ll release you to consider being a part of what he’s doing here. Regardless, we’d be glad to walk prayerfully forward with you.

So, our search for a Director of Worship & Communication  is now open and will remain open until the position is filled.  The process begins by simply letting me know personally that you are interested. This first step is casual and confidential.  Eventually some other staff and members of the congregation will get involved. Our candidate process is sincere, deliberate, and prayerful.

So thanks for your interest! Please have a look at this position packet information and then reach out to me with your interest and questions.  God will lead us. We can count on Him!

Thanks friend,
Pastor Dave Foss
Lead Pastor
Bethel Lutheran Church

More about Bethel

Bethel is a multi-site church in west central Minnesota with campuses in Fergus Falls and Battle Lake. Bethel’s beginnings are traced to a small group of dedicated believers who began meeting regularly for prayer in early 1912.  They had a strong burden for spiritual revival.  Evangelists preached. God moved. And Bethel launched its mission with 11 charter members on July 13, 1912.

From that day till now, the words of Jesus have rung true among us! Jesus said, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” (John 12:32)

Bethel has been lifting up the crucified and risen Jesus for over 100 years, and as we have, he has been drawing people to himself!

In 2015 we planted a Bethel campus in Battle Lake. We saw a growing number of people coming to worship in Fergus Falls who lived east of town.  As we prayed and considered what great things God was up to, we saw the planting of a campus in Battle Lake as a great way to engage in the mission of Christ in our generation. 

Today we lift up Jesus in Fergus Falls and Battle Lake and we see an average of 900 people worshiping in person each week. More important than numbers are the stories of lives impacted by the gospel. These are the stories we cherish and celebrate.

They say a picture tells a thousand words, so here “read” this! Have a look at some of the faces of those touched by and involved at Bethel today.