Sword of the Spirit
Worship Songs:
- He is Our God - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmBNn-u2vT4
- King of Kings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of5IcFWiEpg
Discussion Questions:
1. Have you experienced God's powerful word in your own experience? When and how did it bring life to you?
2. Have you felt that you are entering a spiritual sword fight with a plastic knife? Forgetting the promise of God that his word is powerful and active? If so, ask God for forgiveness and for faith to trust in the power of His word.
3. Pastor Rich gave us 8 things that we can do to interact with God's Word... Hear it, Read it, Sing it, Marinate in in, Be changed by it, Study it, Stand on it, Believe it. Pick one or two of these that you can put into practice this next week.