Shoes of Peace
Worship Songs:
- God of Angel Armies -
- He is Our God -
Discussion Questions:
1. Is the Peace of God something that you are experiencing in your life? If not we would encourage you to trust in Jesus right now. He is the peace that we all need.
2. Pastor Rich spoke about actively bringing the gospel to others. Whom might God be calling you to share the good news of Jesus with?
3. Whom might God be calling you to listen to from a position of humility? To listen is to love, make some plans to have coffee or a meal with that person and listen to them.
4. How might the choices of your life be shaped by a misplaced value system- one that sees the gospel as optional rather than the life changing message that it is? Repent of this, ask God for wisdom on how your life should be shaped by the life giving message of peace.