ANNOUNCEMENT: Bethel will only hold a 10:30 AM worship service at Bethel Fergus Falls today. All Sunday School, confirmation, ministry activities and other worship services are CANCELLED at BOTH CAMPUSES.

Haggai 2:20-23 (Mission Promise)

Feb 24, 2020


*a weekly MAKE ROOM devotional*

The video is a response to the sermon and devotional by Bethel member Jason Heckman. Toward the end of each week, a Bethel church leader will share their personal thoughts.


**Sermon Series Overview:**

“The temple wasn’t just a building. It was where God said he would meet with his people. It was his reach of love into the lives of people as well as a way to proclaim the glory of God and extend the reach of God to the nations. So when the temple was destroyed and God’s people were taken away as exiles, something had to be done. God orchestrated the release of his people from captivity so they could return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. They began the work as God commanded them to, but over time “life” happened, resistance arose, and the mission was set aside. Enter the prophet Haggai. He was sent by God to help the people refocus and make room for God’s mission in their generation. Haggai points ahead to Jesus – the ultimate temple – the ultimate meeting place between God and sinners. In this series, we’ll see that today the mission of Christ is extended through us, the Church; we are his temple. As we make room for others, Christ’s mission advances in our generation as well!”

**TEXT:** Haggai 2:20-23

**FOCUS:** Mission Promise

Re-read the text and use the following DIGGING IN guide to reflect on the message from Sunday. Use this individually, as a couple, family or group.

**1** Read Haggai 2:20-23.

**2** What is unique about the audience for this final message from God recorded in Haggai? To whom is it addressed?

**3** How does Zerubbabel fit into the promise given to David in 2 Samuel 7:11-16 of a royal dynasty that would last forever? (Read Matthew 1:6-16)

**4** How would God’s promise to Zerubbabel in Haggai 2:23 encourage this “king” who never got to be king?

**5** The promise to Zerubbabel was God reasserting his promise to King David. Through it, Zerubbabel was told that he had a part to play in God’s eternal plans to rescue and redeem his people.

> a. What part do you have in God’s eternal plans to rescue and redeem people?

> b. In what ways are you tempted to doubt that God can or will use you in your generation to accomplish his eternal plans?

**6** God wants to use Bethel to bring Glory to Jesus and extend the reach of God’s love to the people of FF, BL and BOUDMASA.

> a. What part of this vision excites you?

> b. What part of this vision stretches you?

**7** Recall the illustration of trust in the story of Charles Blondin crossing Niagara Falls on a tightrope. In what ways are you “in the wheelbarrow”, trusting God to use you to MAKE ROOM for others?


**Please continue to pray for...**

**1.**...the mission of Christ to grow in our hearts so that we Make Room in our lives and make a difference in the lives of our “neighbors” who need Jesus.

**2.**...a gospel-motivated, mission-fueled generosity in each of us that funds the Make Room project in Battle Lake, Boudamasa, and Fergus Falls (creating space for our neighbors locally, regionally, and internationally).

**3.**...God’s protection of our church’s unity and mission commitment to advance the mission of Christ in our generation.