UNforgettable - John Mark
Jul 17, 2022 • Pastor Rich Iverson
Worship Songs:
- This is Amazing Grace - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX6Orh-GZt8
- All Creatures of our God and King - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUZD0hgtSgE
Discussion Questions:
1. What church fights have you been a part of in the past? How have they shaped how you think about life in God’s family?
2. Pastor Rich talked about how God uses weakness (that is how he works!). How does that go against how we think things usually get done?
3. The story of John Mark shows us how there can be times in church life when a sharp disagreement may not be an issue of sin as much as competing values held to by different people. How does that help us to be gracious with others who may disagree with us?